

The PLL-Therapeutics approach: an overview

Our aims is to answer all the aspects of the medical needs …
Our approach aims to answer the main medical needs to treat ALS. It cover the following steps :

  • Early diagnostic : goal is to start the treatment as soon as possible
  • Treatment dosage : goal is to determine the best treatment dosage
  • Treatment follow-up : goal is to follow-up the patient with the diagnostic test and follow the evolution of the disease
Disease evolution

  • – Early diagnostic kit with seric antibodies

    – Based on specific antibodies always present in ALS patients blood serum

  • 2 | TREATMENT Initiated

  • – Based on the specific antibodies, selection of the most adapted composition

    – Dose selection

  • 3 | TREATMENT Follow-up

  • – Adaptation of treatment dose thanks to companion diagnostic

    – Better response and increase life expectancy

    – Patient follow-up every 3-6 months

The PLL-Therapeutics approach: diagnostics

Development of an accurate diagnostic solution to detect and follow the disease

  • Dedicated Kit (ALS)

    Confirmation of ALS diagnosis + patient follow-up


Indirect Elisa

The PLL-Therapeutics approach: PLL-001 therapy

… to define the best combination of compounds …

The PLL-Therapeutic approach is based on the following principle :


  • Active molecules are linked to Poly-L-Lysine (PLL) which increases their half-life and thereby their systemic availability to exert their activity and/or cellular uptake.
  • Poly-L-Lysine was selected among other half-life enhancers as it may, by itself, have beneficial properties.


Based on the carrier properties of Poly-L-Lysine, we have developed PLL-001, a multifunctional therapy that has demonstrated a breakthrough potential to treat ALS in preclinical studies. PLL-001 is composed of APIs known to be effective against ALS’ neuro-inflammatory and neurodegenerative pathological pathways and to restore the gastrointestinal barrier impermeability.

More on PLL-001 therapy targets

A multi-target approach is needed for this multifactorial disease

PLL-001 aims to counterbalance the multiple cellular metabolic defects of ALS and their consequences on motor-neurons, including :

  • ROS (Reactive oxygen species)
  • Glutamate
  • Inflammatory mediators
  • Amino acids
  • Gut mucosal permeability
Therapy targets